
My areas on interest are information retrieval, search engines, machine/deep learning, software engineering, and computer vision. During my PhD I have worked in the area of Mining Software Repositories (MSR) building state-of-the-art search engines for large software repositories. I have also worked in computer vision, in particular, 3D modeling of complex objects using multi-view camera images. I have published research papers in various computer vison and software engineering conferences and journals, including: ICRA, WACV, CVPRW, JFR, MSR, JSEP. I did my internship at Intel Co where I worked on the problem modeling traffic flow information in complex Xeon Phi SOC chips.

Recent Publications

  • Shayan A. Akbar, Avinash C. Kak, A large-scale comparative evaluation of IR-based tools for bug localization, IEEE Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) (2020). [pdf] [slides] [dataset] [talk]

  • Shayan A. Akbar, Avinash C. Kak, SCOR: Source code retrieval with semantics and order, IEEE Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) (2020). [pdf] [slides] [webpage]

  • Bunyamin Sisman, Shayan A. Akbar and Avinash C. Kak, Exploiting spatial code proximity and order for improved source code retrieval for bug localization, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 29(1) (2017). [pdf] [dataset]


I have served as a TA for the following courses offered at Purdue: